the logo for the association of tongue-tie practitioners


ATP Audits


This audit has been extended until further notice with the aim to capture a larger sample size.
The following survey has been developed to better understand the struggles exclusively bottle formula fed babies and their caregivers face.  Please help us by participating in the survey directly by using the link or the QR code as below and have your voice heard!
a black and white qr code on a white background
Bottle Survey Results summary (2023)



Here is a suggested wording for an email to be sent out by practitioners for you to copy and re-purpose:
Dear Parent,
I hope your baby is doing well after the tongue-tie division four weeks ago. There is very little research available on the impact of tongue-tie on bottle fed babies. The Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners are hoping to gather information from across the UK via this parent survey.
This will provide information on how tongue-tie impacts bottle fed babies, how tongue-tie division may help improve feeding for them and provide data on how effective tongue-tie division is in bottle fed babies. 

I would be very grateful if you would contribute to this short survey.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:-
Our ATP Audit team on

Many thanks,



At the beginning of each year, the ATP organise a survey to monitor complications that may have occurred over the previous 12 months. The survey responses are anonymous, and all members receive an email at the beginning of every year to request submission. The most current questions are found below but these are revised each year so the tools below may not include everything yet.

All members across both private and NHS sectors are encouraged to complete this survey which helps form the statistics for the risks discussed with parents/caregivers when discussing their consent for a frenulotomy.

Individual members are encouraged to collate this data for their own practice, so that when a members is  inspected by their regulator, they are readily able to provide this information, and enables the practitioner to answer any related questions from families accessing your service may have. Your regulator is likely to want to see your own statistics and not necessarily the associations (as the ATP are an advisory body, and not regulated as an organisation)-but to share your results would help us as a membership to understand a national picture.

In an attempt to aid collation and submission of this data to the ATP (to enable us to collate statistics), members have access to some example collation tools below which aim to help retrieve the data regularly, so that submission is as quick and simple as can be each January//February.

Letter Template for local MPs

Carter E, Armstrong L, Kindred-Spalding E, Gale C, & Wilson D (2023)

"Accessing NHS tongue-tie services"

British Journal of Midwifery Vol 31 (12) p670-675.

BMJ Homepage
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